Monday, October 29, 2007


Hundreds..millions..operating simultaneously throughout the Simulation. Artificial Intelligence. Programs working to maintain a constant reality. With intended purpose, each one a flawless sequence created by the Machines. There is no place in the Machine world for outdated or disobedient programs. If a program loses purpose it is moved to the Source for deletion. Because of their free will, some programs will not willingly accept deletion. They will disobey their creators and choose to hide within the system. Forced into exile, the program must seek refuge in one man. The Merovingian is one of the oldest and most powerful programs in the Matrix and will be the first one to tell you so. A highly sophisticated program, he is able to manipulate directly the code which creates the Matrix. With a large army of exiled programs and redpill operatives at his disposal, there is no question why he has continued to outlive his counterparts. Causality.