Thursday, July 12, 2007


//:Incoming Transmission
# Location: HvCFT SC protoype 275 A
# Security level: Organizational Broadcast: Sector ID142-710

_Password Entered: ladynblack


...and with one command life as we know it has changed. We received the broadcast earlier this morning. I can't say it was too unexpected, considering this past weeks events. Systematic Chaos has many decisions to make. One thing is for certain, Zion has destroyed Neo's legacy. They took a large steamy shit right on his sacrifice.

We just received intel that Niobe will be holding a emergency meeting in the simulation for the Zionites. At the Heart O' The City Hotel. Let's see where this goes...

os:0010, load us up.

1 comment:

Bayamos said...

"They took a large steamy shit right on his sacrifice."

Indeed they have.