Tuesday, July 10, 2007


//:Incoming Transmission
# Location: HvCFT SC protoype 275 A
# Security level: Extreme

_Password Entered: ladynblack


Too long have I housed this code.

She said there would be no side effects, bad ones at least.
These emotions, anger, even love?
No, it can't be lo..it's just those legs, enough to make a mans knees collapse in an instant.

Too long have I brushed aside the apparent corruption.

What am I saying..this has gone far enough.
I have to fight it. I must protect his memory, his suffering showcased so effectively.
His sacrifice will not be spoiled, not anytime soon.
Now for more crucial matters...the Zionite investigator.
It is time I pay him a visit.


"Catching up with the past"

I made my way to the Housing District of Sai Kung, one of their usual haunts. I remember it like it was yesterday. The smell...the humidity, something that use to be so familiar to me seemed like such an encumbrance. As I came down the long flight of stairs there he was. The man known as Narimiya or "Bullet Nipples," don't ask. Always preaching what he calls the Golden Path, his fashion sense is the one thing that tops off his oddity. He didn't seem too happy to see me, for obvious reasons. The last time we spoke he was looking at the back of my head as I walked away from it all. I let him rant for a few minutes, but then it was time for business. He was informed of our little problem, the Zionite. Quickly his demeanor altered as I let him know how serious this could get. Whatever our differences were at that moment, we both knew what had to be done. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw those legs...it's bad enough she plagues my dreams. I don't need it, I have to focus on the matter at hand. The Cypherites are a strange group. But they are exceedingly dedicated and are always prepared to handle the job. I made my way upstairs and out into the street. As I took in a deep breath I suddenly felt that the foul, dank air down those steps was almost..appeasing.


Yasamuu, one of the few operatives in the simulation worthy of the title "Machinist." Mankind cannot progress without first making some allowances. Understanding this is important to the preservation of the truce. Humans and machines working together, hand in hand. Learning from each other, growing from each other, in order to assure the survival of mankind. The survival of planet Earth. This operative works tirelessly in order to keep his officers up to date and the Machine organization ticking over. Although sometimes allowing his emotions to effect his progress, it enables him to grow as a human being as well as a Machinist. Acting on his emotions has been a well-founded way for him to keep one step ahead of his enemies. He looks to recruit redpills to the Machine organization constantly. Whether they are on the opposing side or newly awakened. In a combat situation you will not see better efficiency. Put a firearm in this mans hands and you will clearly see poetry in motion, if you live long enough. Those listening, I give you Yasamuu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...